- installable
- устанавливаемый, инсталлируемыйнапример, installable driver - инсталлируемый драйвер
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.
Installable File System — (IFS) API файловых систем в IBM OS/2 и Microsoft Windows, который позволяет операционной системе распознать и загрузить драйвер файловой системы. Содержание 1 История 2 IFS в OS/2 3 IFS в Windows NT … Википедия
Installable Client Driver — [Abk. ICD], ein Treiber für eine Grafikschnittstelle (gewöhnlich OpenGL). Im Gegensatz zum Mini Client Driver ist die Nutzung nicht auf bestimmte Anwendungen beschränkt … Universal-Lexikon
Installable File System — [engl.], installierbares Dateisystem … Universal-Lexikon
Installable File System — El Sistema de Ficheros Instalable por su acrónimo inglés IFS (Installable File System) consiste en un API de sistema de ficheros en los sistemas operativos: IBM, OS/2, y Microsoft Windows NT; que les permite reconocer y cargar controladores.[1]… … Wikipedia Español
Installable File System — The Installable File System (IFS) is a filesystem API in IBM OS/2 and Microsoft Windows NT that enables the operating system to recognize and load drivers for file systems. It is part of the Windows Driver Kit.HistoryWhen IBM and Microsoft were… … Wikipedia
installable — adjective Capable of being installed … Wiktionary
installable — adj. may be installed, may be set up for use; may be set up and placed into a computer system (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
installable — adj. Qui peut être installé … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
installable file system — Abbreviated IFS. A file system that is loaded dynamically by the operating system when it is needed. Different file systems can be installed to support specific needs, in just the same way as device drivers are loaded to support specific… … Dictionary of networking
List of Live Distros — This is a list of Live Distros, which is a generic term for an operating system distribution that is executed upon boot, without installation on a hard drive. Typically, it is stored on a bootable medium, such as a CD ROM (Live CD), DVD (Live… … Wikipedia
Comparison of file systems — The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of file systems. Contents 1 General information 2 Limits 3 Metadata 4 Features … Wikipedia